Friday, March 6, 2009

fitness malfunction

I can't explain myself completely today, not because I could be holding things back, well maybe so....anyways...

I'm so tired. Thank goodness I can scrounge up some energy to work out, but I don't know where it comes from. IT does help when I take a shower before I work out to wake myself up and then take one after I work out to remind myself how good it feels to do it! I'm weird, but ya know? I'm glad.
On the subject of working out I go to a gym that is really close and very convenient to me casa. I love how I can run out the door late and still somehow not miss a second of a class. Since Ruthie, I have not been real obsessed with working out like I used to be, but I am desiring that feeling when you feel a little lighter on your feet and a little lighter on the scale if you know what I mean!
Anyways, I have been running into some of my old friends there and one in particular was talking about this latest work out thing that's a sure fire to a bangin bod. The urge of desire krept up my spine. It suddenly stopped when my brain said, "face REALITY tiff"!
My friend did look quite amazing not that she didn't before, honestly, but I know the feeling she has about wanting to reach that "perfect place." I knew we could really relate when she said this: "yeah, it just puts you over the edge." "arrrrrrrrrrrrrrg."I thought.
There it was. The phrase that I have never been able to put into words but yet haunts me from time to time. It basically means when you are a mom who is pretty in shape BUT you get to the place where you not only look like you haven't had children but you look like a perfectly muscular thin type who looks slightly on the "too thin" side (and thats a good thing, because you want people to notice). I don't know for sure thats what she meant of coarse, but I know for sure we were somewhere on that page together.
Well, luckily ( not luck really, Jesus helped me), I didn't stay on that mental page for too long. (It will come again though) It was sad for me to find out that the mental "perfect place" does exist amongst us and our peers. I don't think its just me and I wish it was. This means then that the idea that we look at each other and judge our fitness soley on the way we look does indeed exist .

geez. that blows.
The old and wise remind me that having 2 kids is a workout, and to enjoy it because the reality is, I'm in the best shape of my life! hell yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany,
    I just cleaned the stack of mail off my dining room table and found the note I meant to stick in the package with your coffee cozies. Oops! I just wanted to thank you for ordering and let you know that if you have any problem with them at all to let me know. I hope you guys are doing well, and I'm so glad you have a blog to keep in touch! Tell the family hi for me.



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