Saturday, January 17, 2009

love and laundry

Today I was reminded of how much I love my house. I have told people that we will probably live here until we are 40 or so-- so we better like it! haha
I love the fact that the other day when I was in our kitchen I ran into my husband and spilled my water everywhere. We just looked at each other and laughed. I love that my house isn't too big for me to clean. Our laundry can't build up or it will get too cluttery (that's not a word but who cares)I love when its morning and I'm getting things done on the computer, Brian comes in and checks on whats going on that day and while we are having our discussion I look over and see Ruthies head popping up from her crib looking at us. I love that we have a hockey table taking up half of our 2 car garage that we don't put the cars in (did I mention we don't really use the hockey table)?. I love that toys are slowly taking over our living room area. I love that it makes Joey's day when I say he can take a nap in "mommy and daddy's" bed. I have noticed that both kids love the commotion of an active house. They sleep with doors open. I love when I'm tripping over Brian and Joey when they are wrestling and balls are flying everywhere. (which I don't really like balls in the house but sometimes I have to roll my eyes and say, "whatever") Like the other day when I was sitting on the couch minding my own when a small green ball hit me on the side of my head. I love that when Brian called me into the laundry room there was our fat black cat chillin out in our wet clothes in our washing machine.

The other day Brian and I were talking about how sad it would be to move out of this house.
you know? its probably not so much the house we would miss, probably the memories we are creating in it. The house we play, laugh, fight, cry, pray, eat, love, clean, etc. in.

1 comment:

  1. CONTENTMENT! It's a rare thing these days...even among Christians. I LOVE your perspective on your house, make that your home. :)



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